The Herbal Medicine Practitioner Training

Solomon Seal flowers in Grá Nádúr

Course description overview

The programme aims to provide training for practitioners of vocational herbal medicine. The training programme consists of three elements:

Seminar blocks and lectures

Two five-day seminar blocks face-to-face in the first year and a four-day one in the second and third years; video lectures in specific areas of therapeutics; 20 two-hour tutorials on Zoom; and additional pop-up lectures held face-to-face.

Self-directed study

This element follows a carefully designed study plan to guide students through the topics. Assessments allow students to demonstrate their ability to weave together the different strands of their learning to formulate a diagnosis and treatment plan.

Clinical observation and practice

500 hours of clinical training are required. The hours can be split between the training clinics set up in various locations in Ireland and the UK; some clinic hours may be completed with individual herbal practitioners other than those on the list once this has been discussed with the course coordinator.