The Practitioner Programme Schedule 

Monks Pepper - Vitex agnus-castus in Grá Nádúr

Practitioner Programme Schedule

Induction session-September

The induction session’s aim is to orientate students in their studies and explain how to undertake the three strands of learning and get the most out of the course.

Year 3

Required Equipment: Stethoscope (Litmann classic III is the only one worth getting), patella hammer, tuning fork, blood pressure monitor or sphygmomanometer (manual, not electronic), neurological pin

  • Clinical Examination Seminar 1 (five days) in September/October with three days on physical examination skills for the abdomen, cardiovascular system and respiratory system and two days on pulse and tongue diagnosis

  • Clinical Examination Seminar 2 (five days) March three days on physical examination of the musculoskeletal and neurological systems plus revision of other systems, two days on aromatic medicine techniques and formulation

  • October -July Systems therapeutics Zoom tutorials once a month, ten in total

  • Clinical hours-150 minimum recommended

Year 4

  • Continuation of journals and plant profiles

  • Continuation of Case studies

  • 150 hours supervised clinics

  • Starting research project and business plan

  • Eight Zoom tutorials September -May on topics including Inclusivity and sustainability and decolonisation; Psycho-emotional health; Acute medicine; Paediatrics; Therapeutics for Elders; Reproductive health, pregnancy, and childbirth; Chronic inflammatory disease; Practice Management and ethics; Understanding Research

Year 5

  • Continuation of journals and plant profiles

  • Completion of case studies

  • Completion of Research project

  • Business set up project

  • 150 hours supervised clinics

  • Zoom tutorials and lectures

There will be recorded lectures to watch and 5 Zoom tutorials on various topics such as Diabetes, Menopause/Andropause, Setting up in practice and business planning, Skincare, Thyroid health, Cancer care, Helping people with drug withdrawal, Understanding the Main classes of pharmaceutical medications, Understanding Accommodations and Accessibility and the role of psycho-emotional aspects in healthcare. There are  5 Zoom tutorials and the opportunity to join those from year 4 again to revise. There is also a three day intensive although most of the face to face contact in this year is expected to be taken in Wellness clinics.

 The Final Assessment

The final assessment is held in March or December after the 5th year is completed and is on Zoom:

You need a volunteer to demonstrate taking pulses and BP and perform another physical examination- either respiratory or musculoskeletal- since these are visible on Zoom more quickly than the others.  This part of the assessment should take about 10 minutes. There will then be 30 minutes of Q&A on topics like red flags, ethics and safety of practice, favourite herbs for XYZ and contraindications or cautions, e.g. herbs for pregnancy, etc. and also discussing some of your course work.