The Plant Medicine School - Cork

The beautiful monkey puzzle tree at the old pedestrian gate to Rockgrove Cottage.

Majella O'Riordan of Dandelion Health and Siobhan Norton of Apothecary at Rockgrove are delighted to welcome you to their venue.

The Cork Plant Medicine School is based at The Apothecary at Rockgrove, Coachford County Cork, a couple of miles up the road from where the original Plant Medicine School was founded.

Chestnut tree at the entrance that Siobhan germinated 20 years ago,

It is on a 2 acre site with mature trees, extensive herb beds, a large pond and has been tended without chemicals for over 20 years since Siobhan moved there with the aim for the school to become self sustaining with plants that can grow in Ireland.

There is a huge diversity of native wild plants and insects and other creatures including frogs and newts , an arboretum and an orchard.

The ancient apple trees have been rejuvenated and the place is full of all sorts of interesting nooks and crannies to explore.

It is about 10 minutes from the Cork to Macroom bus route and is about 5 minutes drive from Mullinhassig woodland and waterfall.

Old Apple Trees


At the heart of Apothecary at Rockgrove is the love of nature and the desire to work harmoniously with it, the ecosystem (including the humans working within it) thrives when it's seen as a collaboration.

While the school space is still a work in progress, the land here has been loved and respected for many decades and that is reflected in the biodiversity on site.

Gathering Herbs

Dried Herbs

Majella O’Riordan and Siobhan Norton have worked together many times over the years and have the same deep love of the plants and deep love of sharing that passion with others. In both their practices they endeavour to encourage people to build their own connection with the Plants and nature.

In working with The Plant Medicine School both Majella and Siobhan feel privileged and excited to be given this opportunity to reach an even larger community and hopefully help people along their own personal journeys with all things herbal.

The Plant Medicine School - Cork

Rockgrove, Coachford, Co. Cork, P12 N827, Ireland Google map link Email:

Courses offered at this location and total costs:

  1. At Home with Herbs, Online version - Six months duration - Total fees €500, pay in one instalment.

  2. Traditional Herbal Apprenticeship - Two Years duration - €1800 per year or in instalments. Total Fees €3600 (Please note number 1 is included in number 2).

  3. Herbal Medicine Practitioner Training - Three Years duration - pay €1900 per year for the first two years or in instalments. Total fees €3800.

  4. Supervised Practitioner Clinics 500Hrs - €3500, pay individual clinic supervisors as you attend the clinics.

    Total for full five-year training = €10,900

Google map location