The Plant Medicine School - Northern UK

The immersions for the Northern UK Plant Medicine School are hosted at Beechbrae- a beautiful woodland haven rich in biodiversity habitats and with comfortable teaching spaces.

The Plant Medicine School - Northern UK

Karen Davis and Fiona Fisher of the Nothern UK school are delighted to host an Apprenticeship in 2024 in Beechbrae Wood, Heights Rd, Blackridge, West Lothian, EH48 3SW, Scotland. Email:

Beechbrae website

Courses offered at this location and total costs:

  1. At Home with Herbs, Online version - Six months duration - Total fees £425, pay in one instalment.

  2. Traditional Herbal Apprenticeship - Two Years duration - £1800 per year or in instalments. Total Fees £3600 (Please note number 1 is included in number 2).

  3. Herbal Medicine Practitioner Training - Three Years duration - pay £1900 per year for the first two years or in instalments. Total fees £3800.

  4. Supervised Practitioner Clinics 500Hrs - £3000, pay individual clinic supervisors as you attend the clinics.

    Total for full five-year training = £10,150

Beechbrae Wood holds an orchard, garden, mixed woodland with walking paths, a labyrinth, a wild pond and a Woodland Centre.

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