Karen Davis

As a teenager Karen chose to do a school project on Herbal medicine and scoured the library for information. Karen was fascinated by how the herbs worked in the body and wanted to learn more.  So, Karen qualified as a pharmacist as she thought this would satisfy her curiosity about how chemicals interact within the body.

As a pharmacist, Karen spent time working in a range of different cancer areas and specialised in the safe handling of anti-cancer medicines, building facilities for staff protection and education of other professionals about this. Also, she worked with cystic fibrosis patients, with mental illness and other areas. She has worked in hospitals, large companies and for a small rapidly growing start-up.

However, her quest to learn more about plants has never gone away and the little girl who spent the summers in the front “garden” wilderness in the London suburbs, making plant potions has never been tamed. So, whilst following a conventional pharmacy career path, she rebelled and studied aromatherapy with the Tisserand Institute at the weekends. Aromatherapy then became a constant companion.

Karen developed skincare products for her sensitive skin using natural ingredients and essential oils, as she was struggling to find anything she liked to buy. She set up a company to sell the products, after much nagging from friends who wanted to buy the products.

Karen was reading herbal medicine books in her spare time and eventually it dawned on her that this hobby was never going to go away, so she decided to study herbal medicine formally. Now Karen is fulfilling a long-term ambition of working with herbs and combining this with her previous experiences and sharing this knowledge.